Winter Has Come
I am not emotionally prepared for winter. I am physically prepared. I know where all my mitts and toques and jackets are. I stocked up on mitts for the girls and got their boots and snow pants and even bought the oldest a new pair of boots since she outgrew her old pair. We took the trampoline down and put up the snow fence. But I still don’t feel ready for this winter at all.
Maybe I would enjoy winter if it wasn’t such a hassle. By the time I got to work yesterday, I was strangled by my scarf and I couldn’t hardly move. I had to carry my shoes since I had to wear boots because of all the snow.
My daughter and I got into an argument that morning because I made her wear snow pants to school. She and her little sister have to wait outside for the bus to come every morning. It’s only a couple minutes at most but I feel bad and I’m worried that they will be cold. So I force them to bundle up. After a quite a bit of back and forth, some raised voices and tears, it finally came out that she didn’t want to wear her snow pants to school because they don’t fit very well in her locker. They take up a lot of room making it difficult for her to grab her books. This makes her late for class and her teacher is very strict about lateness and she didn’t want to get in trouble. After learning all this I let her leave her snow pants in the car. But what is she going to do for the rest of winter - especially when it is seriously cold out? She’s going to have to figure something out, some way to stuff all her snow gear in her locker and leave enough room for her books. Everyone has to deal with all the extra that winter makes. It’s not easy but it has to be done. Winter is such a hassle.