What You Want to See

Every night when I walk the dog, I take my flashlight and scan around just in case something is hiding in the grass. I’m not normally too worried that something like a coyote or a fox would be out there. However, there were two times last year when my husband was walking the dog and a coyote was standing by our door. And then just last week someone reported a black bear just over 30 kms away. So I’m always kinda on guard.

Last night I was out walking the dog with my flashlight, scanning around when I saw two blinking lights. Then I saw them again, but in a different spot. I kept scanning and saw them again. That’s when I turned around and headed for the door. The dog didn’t even have a chance to go pee.

I told my husband that I saw eyes outside and he grabbed the scope to see what was out there. After awhile of looking into the darkness, he determined that the “eyes” were actually lightning bugs!

I’ve never seen lightning bugs before. In fact, I didn’t even know that we had them around here! But sure enough, I took the dog out again so she could finish up her walk and we watching the lightning bugs flashing around the yard.

All that for a couple bugs.

Here’s a couple pictures of a killdeer. There are a couple pairs that live around here. The neighbour told me that they have babies but I haven’t seen them yet. They get pretty mad at me when I’m walking by the trees though!


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