Waiting Waiting Waiting

I am not a patient person.  I hate waiting.  I want things done now.


I planted my flowers on the first nice day.  And then it froze.  The big beautiful pink flower wilted away to nothing.  I am going to buy more flowers to put into pots around the yard – but this time I will wait. 

I love watching all the birds around the yard.  I can’t wait until they start hatching their little ones.  I looked back to see around what time it was last year that I saw the robins’ eggs.  Not until June.  This morning I saw a robin with a beak full of grass fly up under the deck where the nest was last year.  And now I wait. 


I want to put up my hummingbird feeder soon.  I got it for Christmas and I’ve been waiting to put it up since then.  I’ll need some nice flowers to go with it.  I really hope I can bring in some hummingbirds.  They are so amazing to watch.  I can’t wait.


Yesterday I got my COVID-19 vaccination shot.  It was super easy.  I did have to sit around for 15 minutes to make sure I didn’t have any major side effects – I didn’t.  This morning my arm was so sore!! But after a couple Tylenol and a couple hours of moving it around it felt much better.  By the end of the work day it was down to a dull ache.  Hard to believe it’s only been just over year and we already have a number of vaccines to choose from. 



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