March On!
Well, work is going much better now. We are using the new program and I can invoice properly now. It's so much nicer. And no more work related dreams. However, since all the changes, I have been worn out. For the second time I put the clothes in the washing machine and forgot to start it. It's a quiet machine, but not that quiet. So when I went to pull out the finished dry clothes and put the wet ones in the drier, they were already dry. At first I thought it was because I had left it for so long but nope, socks still smelled like dirty socks. So now they are washing. A perfect illustration to how wound up I was on Friday...Driving home from work, I was stopped at a stop light. On the other side was one of the techs at work. He's about to leave for school for 9 weeks. Anyway, I knew it was him and I planned on waving when we passed each other. But before that could happen, the light turned green and he went to turn left in front of me. I freaked and slammed on the brakes. But he straightened up right away and laughed at me as he drove past. I shook my fist at him and laughed back. Man, I have got to loosen up.
Good news! Mark won his first game curling! There were tied up and they were just throwing stones. It was all up to Mark, he had the stone....and he put it right in the 4foot. Now, I don't really know what that means other than it means that they won the game. So hurrah!
Bad news! I have a wisdom tooth coming in and it's been bothering me. It had come up before and hurt but then gone away and left me alone. Awhile back it came up again and started hurting. Now my gum really hurts and my jaw is starting to ache. I have an appointment with t dentist next Saturday. The really bad news is that we don't have dental insurance. Only emergency dental. So hopefully it's nothing and I can go back to normal.
Good news! Mark won his first game curling! There were tied up and they were just throwing stones. It was all up to Mark, he had the stone....and he put it right in the 4foot. Now, I don't really know what that means other than it means that they won the game. So hurrah!
Bad news! I have a wisdom tooth coming in and it's been bothering me. It had come up before and hurt but then gone away and left me alone. Awhile back it came up again and started hurting. Now my gum really hurts and my jaw is starting to ache. I have an appointment with t dentist next Saturday. The really bad news is that we don't have dental insurance. Only emergency dental. So hopefully it's nothing and I can go back to normal.