Part 2

Everyone remember my saga with getting my wisdom tooth pulled? It continues. Now that the top tooth that was pushing down on my bottom gum is gone, the impacted tooth started to come up. But after all that pounding, it went crooked. So now a little piece is sticking out and irritating everything around it. The gum is swollen almost all the way over it and even my jaw is swollen a bit. It hurts. All the time. Especially when I eat. So on Saturday I thought I'd go down to the dentist office, since I was going to get groceries and they are in the same building. He didn't have any appointments for awhile so I sat down and he took a look. Yep, it has to come out. And it's more than a simple tug and shake this time. He's got to cut through tissue and bone! So he asked me if I wanted to get it done and I said, well, I guess I'd better. Then he brought out the needle and had the freezing stuff on the q-tip all ready. I just froze. "Uh, maybe I should wait a bit", I managed to squeak out. I asked him since this is going to be a lot more invasive than the last one, maybe I should set up a time when I'm more prepared for this. After all, I was set to play piano in church the next day. All I was planning that day was to get groceries and maybe vacuum. Oral surgery was not on my list. Huh, I always joked that cleaning was like getting teeth pulled. Interesting. Anyway, I set a appointment for Friday after work. I might have to take my MP3 player just so my mind and ears are occupied while he's cutting me. I hope it's alright with him. I asked him if I had to get it done in the hospital (he kept saying surgery!) or if he can do it in the office. He said that if I want to be put under general anesthetic then we would but if not, he can do it here. I told him as long as I can't feel it, I'll be fine. I'd rather not be totally under. But this time I'm not going to make myself sick off of Arrowroots.


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