
What a day. I am very tired. It's just after 8:00 and I just finished supper. I knew today was going to be bad and the morning wasn't too bad. Then the afternoon hit. And it started okay. But then at 4:30, we had a staff meeting. Now, staff meetings are usually a chance for the owners to say how we are not doing a good job and how we need to kick it up. So finally after an hour and a half, they had to go. I ran Extra Foods to grab some milk and went home to get some supper. Sometimes I really wonder about my job. I have had some time to cool down so this entry is going to be a long more subdued than what I was planning on writing. That's what I like about blogs. By the time I get to write, I've calmed down and by the time I've read what I wrote, I've calmed down and deleted a lot. So here goes...

It's a good job. Full time for the most part and steady Monday-Friday. There are many people that can't find office work. I should be grateful. I don't mind the work. There are days I've come home exhausted after running my butt off at work but feeling very good about myself that I was able to do my job. For the most part, I don't have to deal with the public in that I don't have to act like their servant(which I always hated). I don't deal with children. There is no shift work.

Sometimes I feel like I can do my best and it's still not good enough. I can take their suggestions and constructive criticism and it doesn't change anything. I hate babysitting the techs. It's up to me to make sure they get to their appointments, hand in their receipts and fill out their time cards. If I wanted to be some body's mother, I'd have kids. If there is a problem in the office, they complain about it amongst themselves and not tell you until it comes out at one of these staff meetings. Sometimes I feel like I should be at Tim Horton's then the worst thing I could screw up was some body's coffee. Will someone decide whether I'm full time or part time? I don't care either way, just tell me. Our job descriptions get changed and we are not informed of these changes until staff meetings (which turns into a 45 minute argument). And it's only going to get worse.

I don't know what to say. On one hand it could be worse and every job has it's bad points. I mean, no one loves their job all the time. Mark really likes his job and yet he says there are times he wants to strangle people. And yet, when you leave the office feeling stupid, beat down and disrespected, that's no way to work either. I blame all those people who told me when I was little that I could be anything I wanted to be. Well, turns out I can't. You get a few choices and have decide on one. But I'm going to put in my time here, continue to try and do the best I can, try to ignore the cranky people and look for better work. That's all I can do to keep me sane. Again, advise is always welcomed!! Last Sunday's sermon was called "Choose to believe that God will find a way". But then he did mention that we have to walk through it.

(Good news: my cousin is getting married. Very exciting!)


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