Crap Happens

Tonight, while Mark and the boys went Trout fishing, I helped the church clean up after a sewage backup. (Don't judge them, they had this fishing trip planned for a long time and the backup just happened) It wasn't too bad because the water had drained away and the guy there had dumped buckets of bleach on the floor. So when I walked in, my nostrils were burned and I couldn't smell anything anyway. We mopped a bit and tried the clean the legs of the chairs. We're going to have to go back another night. The drywall needs to be ripped down. It's quite the mess, but if you just pretend that it's dirt, then you don't start gagging. It worked pretty well. But once I got home, I took a shower.

When I was driving home, the sun was shining on the smoke from the smoke stack. The smoke was a beautiful shade of red. I wasn't really sure whether it was pretty or not.

Awhile back I went for some blood test because I was feeling tired all the time. When they came back, the doctor said my blood sugar was a little high, not too bad, but a little high. So he sent me to get a glucose tolerance test. I passed - everything is completely normal but he did mention that I should lay off the sugar. If you've never had the glucose test, it's fasting for 12 hours - no food or water, then they take your blood then they give you orange crush and tell you to wait two hours. Normally I like orange crush but on an empty stomach, it wasn't so good. So after the two hours, they take more blood. They want to tell how you deal with no sugar and with lots of sugar. I thought for sure I didn't do so well. I remember nearly falling asleep for those two hours of waiting. No buzz, all crash. But I really shouldn't have been too surprised. One day I had to the mail/bank run in the rain. When I got back to the office, I was cold and damp. All I wanted when a big cup of hot chocolate. Plus I was kinda hungry so I thought that it would be a good idea. As soon as I was done, I crashed. Hard. I didn't recover at all that day. I couldn't have had that hot chocolate any later than 3:00 and the crash lasted the rest of the day. So I'm careful now when I drink some sugary drink or have food with a lot of sugar in it.

my nose hurts


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