What we've been up to...
Not blueberry picking I can tell you that! Something keeps happening, like rain, and more rain. After a great few days in the "Deep South" I got back to work (more on that later), and got some pictures together from the trip and then we decided to paint the kitchen. We've wanted to paint one room in our house. But we can't decide if we want to keep where the bedroom is or move downstairs. And we can't decide if we want to pain the upstairs bathroom or completely make it over. And if we do move downstairs, we'd be redoing the bathroom downstairs so do we want to do that one? So we picked the one room that's guaranteed not to move. Then we had to decide on paint colours. I always knew what the colours in my house was going to be. Bedroom-maroon, Bathroom-forest green and kitchen-dusty blue. But the shade of blue in that room was going to be so pale that we thought we'd take a page from my parents book and go bold. There is so much light in that room anyway so a dark colour would be fine. And we only wanted to do the one wall so away we went. Well, away Mark went, I was only the helper. I think it turned out really nice!

Okay, so my job might be over soon. We're moving out of the current office building. To where you ask? Good question. We've tried to fish out some answers but they don't tell us anything. The old guy wants to retire, and the young guy is moving to another city. That leaves the other employee. So the office is leaving and we don't know where we're going. The boss did just buy a 50 foot semi trailer to store supplies in and he stressed that it was leak proof and insulated for summer and winter. Mark and I drove past it today. I don't want to work in a trailer!!!! So I think I'm losing my job at the end of the month. Please pray that I can find something soon. At least I'll get EI for that time in between. But a regular paycheque would be better.

Okay, so my job might be over soon. We're moving out of the current office building. To where you ask? Good question. We've tried to fish out some answers but they don't tell us anything. The old guy wants to retire, and the young guy is moving to another city. That leaves the other employee. So the office is leaving and we don't know where we're going. The boss did just buy a 50 foot semi trailer to store supplies in and he stressed that it was leak proof and insulated for summer and winter. Mark and I drove past it today. I don't want to work in a trailer!!!! So I think I'm losing my job at the end of the month. Please pray that I can find something soon. At least I'll get EI for that time in between. But a regular paycheque would be better.