Job Posting

Well, we had a staff meeting...
It turns out we're just moving to a different location. I'm not losing my job and I'm still at full time. Hopefully everything else works out too. The other girl quit so I'm on my own which gives me the time to write this! Anyway the big news is that nothing really is going to change. Just locations and that's fine by me.

Faith left on the bus yesterday to Winnipeg. We had a really good time. We took her fishing. We went to "that spot in Saskatchewan" which will remain nameless. We all caught our limits! There were seven of us so that's 35 fish in total! Our backpack was very heavy on the walk back. We also went blueberry picking and went for lots of walks. On Sunday, we went to a baptism at the lake and the whole service was outside. The music was quiet because the sound system wouldn't work. But it was fun. It was supposed to rain, but it held off. (It's sure raining today though.) A bald eagle flew over us and interrupted the pastor but he stopped to watch it too. It was a good time. But now it's back to normal with just the two of us until the boys come. Oh dear! It's going to be a loud week with them!


Unknown said…
What are you talking about? We're not loud. Ha Ha.

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