People Smile and Tell Me I'm the Lucky One
Today is the day I can officially announce my news. Mark and I are going to have a baby! I’m due September 4. We’re really excited about it. The only reason we waited so long to tell everybody is that we wanted to get past the first trimester. According to the doctor, today’s the day! I’ve been feeling alright. I can’t really complain too much. I know a woman who had to stay in the hospital because she couldn’t hold anything down. My mornings are still a little rough but I’m hoping it will pass soon. And I only have three pairs of pants that still fit! Even then, I don’t do up the top button.
I’m trying to take it easy but it’s hard to remember. I’ll be walking at my normal (quick) pace when my stomach starts to flop. So I remind myself to slow down. Work has been alright. It’ll be really busy and stressful for a bit then slow right down. I’ve been careful on the snowmobile and Mark drives slow for me. I find myself with less patience and less motivation lately. I keep reading about how the nesting instinct kicks in the last few weeks of pregnancy and I can’t wait! The house is a mess and I don’t care. Right now there is very little that I really care about anymore. I just don’t have the energy. A few days ago the baby had a growth spurt. I could not stay awake. Well, except at night. I’m getting used to getting up at 3am for the nightly trip to the bathroom.
I’m getting used to cravings coming and going. I’ll get flashes or smells of various foods –some food I like, and some I don’t. The other day, I smelled tuna and I was not pleased. Last night I was so desperate, I drank a can of Coke (I hate Coke, I never drink it. The only way I’ll ever drink it is if it’s slightly flat and luke warm). I downed a can right out of the fridge and boy was it ever good. I think it was the carbonation that I needed because the bubbles sure felt good. My upset stomach was gone. I’ve loaded up on KD and Caramilk bars. I also really like baked Lays and tortilla chips with salsa and sour cream. The strangest craving I’ve had so far is for KFC. It’s not the food but the actual craving that is so weird to me. I can actually taste it. I can physically feel it in my mouth and feel the meat and juices. It is so realistic that I haven’t needed to go a buy a bucket. I just sit down and pretend to eat it. It’s just as satisfying and better for my health!
So now I’m looking forward to getting bigger and the inevitable questions that come along with that. So far, I just look like I’ve gained a few pounds on my stomach. If I totally relax, then you can tell but if I don’t, then it’s kinda up in the air and I don’t think anyone would be rude enough to ask at this point! I’m trying to think up witty comebacks for the inane questions that will soon flood me. Any suggestions? Also, how do you politely but firmly tell strangers that it’s not okay to touch my belly? I’ve seen it too many times, perfect strangers come up to a pregnant woman and ask to feel the belly and before she can answer, they are rubbing her stomach. And the look of pure horror on the poor woman’s face! Oh well, it could be worse, an elephant is pregnant for over 92 weeks!
8 Weeks
I’m trying to take it easy but it’s hard to remember. I’ll be walking at my normal (quick) pace when my stomach starts to flop. So I remind myself to slow down. Work has been alright. It’ll be really busy and stressful for a bit then slow right down. I’ve been careful on the snowmobile and Mark drives slow for me. I find myself with less patience and less motivation lately. I keep reading about how the nesting instinct kicks in the last few weeks of pregnancy and I can’t wait! The house is a mess and I don’t care. Right now there is very little that I really care about anymore. I just don’t have the energy. A few days ago the baby had a growth spurt. I could not stay awake. Well, except at night. I’m getting used to getting up at 3am for the nightly trip to the bathroom.
I’m getting used to cravings coming and going. I’ll get flashes or smells of various foods –some food I like, and some I don’t. The other day, I smelled tuna and I was not pleased. Last night I was so desperate, I drank a can of Coke (I hate Coke, I never drink it. The only way I’ll ever drink it is if it’s slightly flat and luke warm). I downed a can right out of the fridge and boy was it ever good. I think it was the carbonation that I needed because the bubbles sure felt good. My upset stomach was gone. I’ve loaded up on KD and Caramilk bars. I also really like baked Lays and tortilla chips with salsa and sour cream. The strangest craving I’ve had so far is for KFC. It’s not the food but the actual craving that is so weird to me. I can actually taste it. I can physically feel it in my mouth and feel the meat and juices. It is so realistic that I haven’t needed to go a buy a bucket. I just sit down and pretend to eat it. It’s just as satisfying and better for my health!
So now I’m looking forward to getting bigger and the inevitable questions that come along with that. So far, I just look like I’ve gained a few pounds on my stomach. If I totally relax, then you can tell but if I don’t, then it’s kinda up in the air and I don’t think anyone would be rude enough to ask at this point! I’m trying to think up witty comebacks for the inane questions that will soon flood me. Any suggestions? Also, how do you politely but firmly tell strangers that it’s not okay to touch my belly? I’ve seen it too many times, perfect strangers come up to a pregnant woman and ask to feel the belly and before she can answer, they are rubbing her stomach. And the look of pure horror on the poor woman’s face! Oh well, it could be worse, an elephant is pregnant for over 92 weeks!
