My 1st Mother's Day!

I don't know if it totally counts yet, but I'm celebrating Mother's Day this year. I figure I have a child so that makes me a mother, right? It's growing and I'm taking care of it so that's close enough. Anyway, this morning, I slept in really late and then Mark and I made a wonderful breakfast of bacon, scrambled eggs and croissants. Delicious. We're going out for supper later tonight. I'm taking it easy today. I did not take my Dad's advice about not working too hard. I've had such a crazy, busy week that I need a day to lay around and get my strength back. On Monday, there was a trial that was halted in the middle because of some thing that I don't remember. Tuesday was court in Cranberry Portage so I had to run everything in the office and get ready for court the next day. So Wednesday, we had a huge docket. I got a 30 minute lunch break and we didn't end the day until 6:00pm. Oh well, I need the overtime. Baby needs diapers. And I ended up taking some work home so I could prepare for the next day. Thursday was another court day. It was supposed to just be a few people and the spill over from Wednesday but then the spill over was bigger than I thought and a few people that didn't show up Wednesday showed up Thursday. So that day lasted longer than I was prepared for. So Friday I spend all day finishing all the paperwork from the last two days of court. Oh, and preparing for court on Monday. But with any luck, the other clerk will do court on Monday and I don't have to. So right now, it looks like next week will be much easier. I on;t have to work the first two days then I can relax. I was feeling really run down by the end of the week. I was getting sore and not sleeping well. Hopefully that will right itself now. I went to the Ladies Retreat yesterday. It was an interdenominational event with over 80 ladies there. The speaker was Connie Cavanaugh (go to her site) from Cochrane, Alberta. It was really good but by the end. I just wanted to sleep. It was over at 4:00 so I drove home and took a nap. Mark was at a friend's house helping him build his deck. At 5:00 I got a call saying that they were ordering pizza for the guys and I was welcome to come on over for some. I went for a bit then came back home. I thought I would sleep like a baby last night. And, well I guess I did because babies wake up every two hours right? Maybe my body is preparing me for all the nighttime feedings. So that's why I slept in so late this morning. And now I can relax.

Happy Mother's Day Mom!!


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