They Should Have Warned Me!

We went to the first Pre-Natal class yesterday. I think it will be a good group. There's around 6 or 7 couples and we all seem to be due around the same time. And since there is only one doctor in town that delivers, we all have the same doctor. We were talking about our concerns and fears about labour and delivery when one girl mentions that she's really worried because the hospital doesn't give epidurals. I had already decided that I didn't want an epidural but that I may need one in the end. Well, forget that back-up plan! I guess I'll just suck it up and try to conserve my energy. When I told my mom she didn't seem too concerned. I hope she'll let me in on her secret on how she can say that so calmly. I guess it's been over 25 years since she gave birth so maybe time has dulled the pain. When I was at the Women's Retreat, the speaker made an analogy about pushing through the pain of life and she shared her own story about being pregnant. She was a modern, educated woman and where do modern educated women to get information on childbirth? The library. Never mind that her own mother had 8 children and her mother-in-law had 5 children, neither of them had finished high school. Therefore, they couldn't possibly have any useful info. I don't think I'm that naive. I hope not. I've watched too many episodes of A Baby Story for that to happen. However, they sure push the drugs on that show and since I won't have that option, I might need some extra help. 

Mark is on his Fishing Weekend. Well, he'll be back tomorrow but it's Opening Week for fishing so they are really excited. I hope he enjoys his last summer with no children! He's been looking forward to this weekend so I hope they have a really good time. They all need it. 

In a few weeks, we're going to a staff party at a cabin that you can only get to by boat. It's really pretty there, or so I've been told, I haven't been there yet. I was a little worried about boating, so I consulted  the first resource this modern, educated woman thought to consult...the internet. The internet "doctors" say the baby will be fine with the waves. Whew. But I'm sure whoever is driving the boat I'm in will take it a little easier for me. All the guys have been really good to me. When I went over for supper when Mark was helping build the deck with his friend, his friend won't let me on the deck. He said he would have normally, but in my condition, he didn't want me on there. It was perfectly safe but that's the way those guys are. 

I've been feeling more and more little kicks. Nothing strong enough for anyone else to feel but I know the little one is moving. There is no pattern but it does get more active when I'm sitting and doing nothing. I saw on the National Geographic Channel that if you play a song over and over, the baby remembers it and will actually kick along to it with the beat! Then after it's born and it's upset and crying it will stop crying when that song is played. Freaky. Well, my baby is going to love the banjo then. But I haven't felt any hoedown dancing just yet. 


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