13 Days of Fun!
July 2: Dropped the dog off at the kennels then came back home to pack everything into the truck. Had lunch at P.A. then continued on the Saskatoon. Searched the city for a DVD player for the truck and ended up buying one at Canadian Tire. Had a swim at the pool in the hotel (Abby had lots of fun) then went for supper at Tony Roma's. Excellent ribs.

July 3: Drove to Drumheller and walked around the museum. Very excellent. Had lunch at Boston Pizza then off to Airdrie.
July 4: Took a trip to Calgary and saw Ikea and Bass Pro Shop. What a store. It's like a museum in itself! Came back and had some fun in the kiddie pool.
July 5: Abby slept on her tummy last night. She went to sleep right away and stayed asleep for the night. Drove into Cochrane to visit with Mark's sister and brother-in-law and their kids. Mark's parents also came in. Walked around the Bow River and played at the playground. Abby loved the swing!
July 6: Drove to Red Deer. Played with the girls. Had an early birthday party for Mark complete with steak and Oreo cheesecake! Very tired. Everyone went to bed at 9:30.
July 7: Walked to the grocery store and Abby and Naomi fell asleep in the stroller. In the afternoon, we wen to the pool and had lots of fun. Went to a park for a wienie roast and s'mores. For Mark's birthday, we went to see Transformers. Abby was good for her baby-sitters.
July 8: Drove to Medicine Hat. Had late lunch/early supper at Montana's and then went back to the hotel to play in the pool. Abby can pull herself up to a stand.
July 9: Went to pack up the truck to discover it had a flat tire. Got it all fixed up thanks to Kal-Tire and drove to Swift Current. (late for lunch with Grandma) but we had a nice visit anyway. Went to my aunt and uncle's for supper. More relatives came over. Good to see everyone. Drove to Regina.
July 10: After breakfast, Mark and I went shopping - The Rider Store so Mark could stock up on Rider gear (Abby eve got an outfit). Then to Sears and ate at Manchu Wok (just like we used to when we were dating). Finally off to Costco. Supper with family and my best friend. Good visiting!
July 11: My aunt came over for a visit after breakfast. After lunch, we drove to Yorkton. Played with nephew who is growing like a little weed!
July 12: After breakfast, we drove home. Grilled a pizza on the BBQ and relaxed.
July 13: Picked up the dog form the kennels. Very happy to see us. Abby had her doctor's appointment. All is well. When the nurse measured her head, it wasn't off the chart at all and it hadn't changed since she was 6 months. So either the other nurses weren't very accurate or she's slowed down since I got her measured last. Anyway, the doctor is content with the size and wants to see her again in 2 months just to make sure nothing has changed. Abby was good until I set her n the bed and the doctor looked at her closely. Then she burst into tears and cried whenever he got near to her. Once we were back at his desk, she was fine and was smiling and sticking out her tongue and giving raspberries! Then we got groceries to replenish out stocks.
July 14: Went to a housewarming. I think our exciting summer is drawing to a close. I'm glad. I like the lazy days filled with nothing to do. It rained a lot but it's good indoor relaxing weather. Halladay started the All-Star game. It may be his last as a Blue Jay. I wish him well. If anyone deserves a chance to go to a winning team and win the World Series it's him. I just hope the Jays get something good in return.