Here We Go Again
Okay, time for another poll!! I took some more pictures of Abby (no shock there) and I need your help to narrow down the cutest one.



So Abby woke up at 1:15 and was much happier. So we went to the beach. It was a lot of fun. Quite a few of the ladies came out and we met a few other people there too. I had a really good afternoon of visiting and getting some sun. And just the right amount too. I didn't burn and I got a bit of a tan. (I bought some makeup awhile back and when I tried it, it was a shade too dark. Now it's the perfect shade!!) Abby had fun too. We went near the water and I dipped her tiny toes in. She was not amused and started screaming. I tried to sit her on the sand (just out the the reach of the water) but she started screaming again. So I picked her up and I held her and I waded out. I don't blame her for screaming. The water is awfully cold! We spent most of the afternoon sitting on the towels and playing. She had some water and ate a cookie. Abby even played with another little girl. We had a lot of fun. Hopefully we can do this again soon. It was perfect weather. No blazing hot but warm enough to feel good.
So Abby woke up at 1:15 and was much happier. So we went to the beach. It was a lot of fun. Quite a few of the ladies came out and we met a few other people there too. I had a really good afternoon of visiting and getting some sun. And just the right amount too. I didn't burn and I got a bit of a tan. (I bought some makeup awhile back and when I tried it, it was a shade too dark. Now it's the perfect shade!!) Abby had fun too. We went near the water and I dipped her tiny toes in. She was not amused and started screaming. I tried to sit her on the sand (just out the the reach of the water) but she started screaming again. So I picked her up and I held her and I waded out. I don't blame her for screaming. The water is awfully cold! We spent most of the afternoon sitting on the towels and playing. She had some water and ate a cookie. Abby even played with another little girl. We had a lot of fun. Hopefully we can do this again soon. It was perfect weather. No blazing hot but warm enough to feel good.
Abby is back to sleeping through the night. (Yeah!) She's just having a nap now. It's a mite cold right now so no trip to the beach today.