My Trip

Okay, so I'm back in town. I kept a rather detailed journal of the last few days' events. I will give you the abridged version.

Wednesday evening we drove to the airport. I was the last one on the plane because I wanted to get as many last kisses as I could. The airport is super small. There's no security and I didn't even give ID. It was snowing and windy so takeoff was a little rough. But nothing like the landing in The Pas. The plane was rocking back and forth as we were coming in for the landing. Then we had to get going again. Ug. But the landing in Winnipeg was so much smoother. The moon was full and was so bright from up in the air. Ohh, almost forgot. I read the Winnipeg paper on the plane and for a laugh, I read my horoscope. I had to write it down it was so good, "Be alert for opportunities in publishing, the media, higher education and also chances to travel. Matters with medicine and law are also likely today. A suggestion about a possible move or trip somewhere will intrigue you." Spooky. So once I landed in Winnipeg, I caught a taxi and checked into the hotel, phoned home and had a bubble bath.

Thursday, I woke up and got ready to go. Today my horoscope said to be careful what I say because it might get me into trouble so I'll try to just listen. Walked to the Law Courts building. I was early. I guess I went in the side door because I passed by all the security. I just said my name and got my pass. The training is in a courtroom in the old section of the Law Courts Building. This looks like a real courthouse, like the ones you see in the movies. There is marble everywhere, with columns and wooden benches. And lots of people. I feel so out of place. As for the actual training, we were given a giant binder binder detailed all the stuff we can and can not do. The training sessions were good and I think I learned a lot and kept up. It wasn't as overwhelming and over my head as I thought. Afterwards, I walked to Portage Place to do some shopping. I got a few clothes and a new pair of sunglasses. This time, Abby will not be allowed to play with them. But I couldn't find shoes. I had supper at Manchu Wok but it just didn't taste the same without Mark. I was going to walk over to the Art Gallery but it's cold and dark and snowing. So I just walked back to the hotel and called home. Because I didn't buy shoes, I treated myself to a drink at the bar. But then a bunch of people came in to party and "drink all the alcohol" so I left. I had another bubble bath. Hey, gotta get 'em in while I have the chance.

Thursday. Did not sleep well. Had lots of coffee. I packed up and checked out. Walked to the Law Courts building again but this time with my suitcase. I went through the front doors this time and went through the whole security - x-rays and metal detectors. I was even asked if I was out of province council. Training was a little more difficult today. I was tired and getting tired of everyone nit-picking. Does it matter if November is misspelled? Do we still accept the document? Yes, scratch it out and fix it or just leave it and move on to actual important things. I did take the time to visit courtroom 210. It's the nicest one. It's all marble and it is truly impressive. It's used a lot for movies and TV. And then it was back to work. So needless to say, we went late. I was getting antsy that I needed to get to the airport. So as soon as we were finished, I called a cab and headed straight for the airport. Passed Polo Park. Next time. So I got to the airport and was told that the flight was delayed three hours. Not cool. But I got a voucher for food. So I wandered the airport, bough a couple books for Abby - Paper Bag Princess and I'll Love You Forever. They were on sale. Then read them, then waited, then ate, then waited, then went through security, talked to Mark, waited, drank Hot chocolate, burned my tongue, waited, listened to pointless conversations carried on uncomfortably close to me, moved seats and waited some more. Finally the plane boarded and took off. We flew straight to Flin Flon and landed smoothly. Mark was there and I was really to happy to see him. Abby was asleep in the truck. When we got home, I took her in and she woke up. She cried and reached for Mark. I gave her a cookie and she liked me again. I put her to bed and then went there myself. It is good to be home.


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