Random Abby Moments

I think I've mastered the art of picking my battles...
Example #1. Abby is happily drawing all over her feet. Is the marker washable? Let it go.
Example #2. Abby is feeding the dog her lunch. Is the dog cleaning it all up? Let it go.
Example #3. Abby is pouring apple juice all over herself. Is it almost bath time? Let it go.
Example #4. Abby is taking off all her clothes. Is she inside the house? Let it go.
Either I have become great at choosing my battles or really lazy. I even let her go to the sitter's in her pajamas once because I didn't want the fight. Hey, they are clothes too. And she looked really cute.
One of Abby's favourite things to do is play "Little Baby." Basically you hold her like a little baby and spread a blanket on the both of you. Sometimes she pretends to cry and you have to rock her and say "Don't cry, Little Baby." Now she's started Little Mommy. I have to pretend to be the baby and she's the mommy. She sits on the chair and I curl up in her lap and put the blanket on us. Then I'm supposed to pretend to cry and she rocks me, or pats my back and gives me a kiss on the forehead. She can squeeze pretty good. Tonight she decided that her Little Baby (me) needed a diaper. (She loves putting diapers, or as she calls them - Bum, on her dolls) So she looked at me and said, "Bum? Yes? Bum? Yes?" So she ran to her room and grabbed a diaper and ran back to try and put it on me. Well, she got it around my feet. That was good enough for her. Then we cuddled a little longer.
I think Abby is catching on to the whole Time-Out thing. Lately, when she gets in trouble, she puts herself in Time-Out before she even get that chance. She'll face the wall or something - anything to hide her face from us. And then she'll just stand there whimpering. At first it was kinda disturbing because when we put her in Time-Out we leave her for a few minutes then explain to her why we put here there. Well, try explaining to her why she put herself in Time-Out. It was weird. But I think we got it now.
When we leave the sitter's house, we always say "Bye, see you tomorrow." Now Abby has caught on and when I tell her to say bye, she yells out, "Bye, morrow!" Today she didn't want to leave the cat so I told her to say bye to the cat and we'll play with her tomorrow. So Abby yells out, "Bye Meow, morrow!" (She calls all cats Meow) Oh, and she can say Please which sounds more like Pees but she's getting there.
Abby loves it when I spell her name. I'll write out A-B-B-Y. Then she takes the marker and says over and over, "B-Y Abby, B-Y Abby yeah?" I don't know how many times we do this and it's always, "B-Y Abby, B-Y, B-Y." I just giggle at her, picking my battles.