Friday Night Antics
Everyone has been asking me if I have any plans for the weekend. It's a common question asked by strangers who don't care but just want to start a conversation. I don't mind the question, really. It shows that you are at least friendly enough to ask. It's just, I never have a good answer. I usually laugh and say, "No, no big plans. Just planning on a nice relaxed weekend." They laugh and agree that a relaxing weekend sounds like a great idea. The truth is, I think I'm boring. Even in high school when on Friday night, all I was looking forward to was a deep bubble bath and a good book. (I guess my parents are happy about that one) Even now, the idea of a bath is way more appealing than going to a bar, or club (HA!) I do enjoy going out with friends. I had a great time at the BBQ with my friends, talking and laughing, and I want to do it again. Every once and awhile, on a Friday after work, Mark will go with some of the other teachers to the bar and have some wings and a couple drinks. Last time he texted me to get a sitter and come down and join him. Part of me really wanted to go. Leave Abby with someone and spend time with my husband and some friends doing nothing more than talking about stuff that doesn't matter and eating food that isn't good for you. But then reality hit and I realized that I would have call the sitter (on mega-short notice, pack up Abby, drive to pick up the sitter, drive home, put Abby to bed, drive to the bar, spend 10 mins with all of them before they decide they're going home, drive home (in two cars), driver the babysitter home (and pay her). Did I mention it was raining?
Tonight's plans are - get a hair cut (check), update my blog (check), read a book and go to bed early. I am getting a cold (my throat hurts really bad right now and it's swelling up) so I made tea and added a lot of honey and a shot of whiskey. I am living it up a little bit. It tasted sooo good. My throat feels much better.
One of these weekends, we're going to drive to Regina and go to a movie.