What a Difference A year Makes
Last year at this time, in Flin Flon, the church gathered everyone together to pray for rain to help in the fight against the forest fires. I just got a message on Facebook today that the church here is gathering for prayer because of the rains causing all the flooding! Just go on YouTube and search Rafferty Dam 2011. Some time ago, there were concerns of flooding because the dam was letting out water at a rate of 200 cubic meters a second. This morning they announced that they are letting out 600 cms. The videos only show it when it was at 400 cms but you get the idea.
This weekend was not a total washout (pun intended). On Friday, we left for Regina right after work. Abby was excited to see her grandparents but she kept saying "Mama, Papa? I shy." But she wasn't. She pretended to be shy but you could see that little smile sneaking through. Mark and I went to X-Men at the theatre. It was good. I really like the X-Men stories. I remember watching the cartoon show so I'd like to think I have some history with the show. We went to the late show so we didn't get back until 12:30. It felt great staying out so late. Felt like a kid again!
Saturday wasn't such a nice day. Abby stayed home with Grandpa and played while Mark and I attempted to go shopping. The problem was, we didn't have anything we really wanted. So we drove around a bit, bought something small at Princess Auto and went back for lunch. Then we went went to The Green Lantern. Then it was time to play outside. My dad BBQed and Abby jumped around on the stepping stones. It was great until is started to rain. But it stopped enough for some yummy BBQ. And best of all, right before Abby went for her bath, she said she had to pee. So I put her on the potty expecting nothing when I hear the sweetest sound ever...SHE PEED IN THE POTTY!!! Whoo-hoo!

Grats to Abby though on starting to figure it out!!