Happy Halloween!
You know, I don't usually like Halloween. In fact, I think last year's post was on that very topic. However, this year has been a blast. Yesterday, I got in the spirit and make crafts for Abby to do. I know! Me! Crafts!! She glued eyes, a nose and a mouth on a pumpkin, coloured a jack o' lantern and painted an orange pumpkin! Then she tried on her costume and discovered that she loved it! I was a little worried since every time we try and get her to wear something, she screams and runs away. But since it was a kitty (tiger) she loved it and then refused to take it off. We had to promise her that she could wear it again tomorrow.
This morning, after breakfast I put all the jack o' lanterns on the front window to decorate a bit. She wanted to put her kitty clothes back on but I told her she couldn't until after supper. When I picked her up form the sitter's, she was so excited to go trick or treating. I didn't even know that she knew that word! But I guess older kids can be a great influence! She was telling me all about trick or treating. When we got home, she had a quick snack, got changed and started off trick or treating with Mark. She got to one house, decided she was too shy and headed back. I was worried this would happen. So I finished making supper, left it to warm and went out with them. By this time, she had played outside for awhile and was feeling a bit braver. So we went for a walk. At the first house, she was pretty shy, and needed to be held. The second house, she made it up to the door. This third house, she even said thank you. And by the time the evening was over, she was going up to all the houses (with me close behind) knocking or ringing the bell and saying, "Trick or Treat!" like a pro! And she always said Thank you! After (reluctantly) eating her supper, she got one candy. (She was very excited) and every time the door rang, she jumped up to see who it was and yelled Trick or Treat! She is still pretty excited, even though she is supposed to be sleeping! Did I mention she's wearing her tiger costume to bed? Yeah, she's cute.
Our Halloween candy (to hand out) has slowly dwindled. Maybe it's because I'm hormonal and think these kids are so darned cute that I keep giving them a handful each. But they are just so cute!!

In baby news, I think the baby has grown. I feel big and stretched out. I just weighted myself and I've gained around 15 lbs! That's a pound a week! That means that by the time I'm done, I'll have gained 40 lbs! At least!! Yikes. But at least now I look more pregnant. I'm starting to enter the stage that I enjoy. I'm big enough to look pregnant. I'm getting curvy! I have some energy back. It's starting to feel real. And the best part...anytime now I'll be able to feel it start kicking!!!!! I can't wait!! That's when it's really real! Until then, it's just something that make me feel sick and makes my back ache. Once I can feel it, then it's really a baby with a little personality and I can start imagining playing with it and loving it!
This morning, after breakfast I put all the jack o' lanterns on the front window to decorate a bit. She wanted to put her kitty clothes back on but I told her she couldn't until after supper. When I picked her up form the sitter's, she was so excited to go trick or treating. I didn't even know that she knew that word! But I guess older kids can be a great influence! She was telling me all about trick or treating. When we got home, she had a quick snack, got changed and started off trick or treating with Mark. She got to one house, decided she was too shy and headed back. I was worried this would happen. So I finished making supper, left it to warm and went out with them. By this time, she had played outside for awhile and was feeling a bit braver. So we went for a walk. At the first house, she was pretty shy, and needed to be held. The second house, she made it up to the door. This third house, she even said thank you. And by the time the evening was over, she was going up to all the houses (with me close behind) knocking or ringing the bell and saying, "Trick or Treat!" like a pro! And she always said Thank you! After (reluctantly) eating her supper, she got one candy. (She was very excited) and every time the door rang, she jumped up to see who it was and yelled Trick or Treat! She is still pretty excited, even though she is supposed to be sleeping! Did I mention she's wearing her tiger costume to bed? Yeah, she's cute.
Our Halloween candy (to hand out) has slowly dwindled. Maybe it's because I'm hormonal and think these kids are so darned cute that I keep giving them a handful each. But they are just so cute!!

In baby news, I think the baby has grown. I feel big and stretched out. I just weighted myself and I've gained around 15 lbs! That's a pound a week! That means that by the time I'm done, I'll have gained 40 lbs! At least!! Yikes. But at least now I look more pregnant. I'm starting to enter the stage that I enjoy. I'm big enough to look pregnant. I'm getting curvy! I have some energy back. It's starting to feel real. And the best part...anytime now I'll be able to feel it start kicking!!!!! I can't wait!! That's when it's really real! Until then, it's just something that make me feel sick and makes my back ache. Once I can feel it, then it's really a baby with a little personality and I can start imagining playing with it and loving it!