Looking Forward

This week has been a very long and tiring and exhausting and aggravating one. Needless to say, I did not have a good week. I was very tired, and sore and completely void of patience. I had a huge nap on Monday which may have helped. I forgot Tuesday was Tuesday and didn't take Abby to Toddler Time..we stayed home and watched TV. Wednesday I took her to the Family Centre and she refused to leave. On Thursday, she refused to leave the babysitter's. The mornings were long and tension-filled. No wonder she didn't want to go home with me! I'm sure it's all on account of being pregnant and hormonal and tired but that almost makes me feel worse. What's going to happen when the baby comes and I'm even more tired and hormonal and sore? Abby doesn't deserve to be snapped at because I'm sleep-deprived!

I'm starting to really show. People are noticing. And my back is killing me!! And all I can think about is the fact I'm only 14 weeks...how am I going to feel when I'm 36 weeks?

This is the problem with looking forward. I told myself I was going to live in the moment. To enjoy each moment for what is was...temporary. Sure, Abby is throwing a huge tantrum. This will pass. Yeah, my back aches. It's not going to ache every minute for the rest of my life. But all I can think about is how bad it;s going to get when.... I'm never going to have a moment's peace! Thankfully, yesterday was a good day. I didn't try to be ambitious. Abby destroyed the living room (pulled the cushion off the chair and built a fort with blankets, her jumping mat and the rest of the chair) We didn't go anywhere, I didn't do any dishes. Yeah, a tornado may have hit my house, but we were happy. We were content. Good enough.

Today we did some yard work - that is to say Mark did some yard work and I supervised Abby. We went to the park. Since we're trying to get the dog to lose some weight (got her on a diet) I brought her along. Abby held her leash the whole way there an the whole way back. They did good. Of course, Deeds was so tired on the way back that Abby nearly had to drag her. But it was fun. Abby got to run around. I got some fresh air, Dee Dee got some exercise. Abby found a ladybug (eyes of a hawk!!) Now she's "having a nap" or playing in her room. I don't know. She's quiet, good enough.

I've been able to watch some of the post-season baseball games. It's kinda exciting, especially since I can't decide who to cheer for! I'll have it figured out by the time they get to the World Series. Maybe.


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