The Latest
I guess I had better update everyone on what has happened. Last I wrote, I was wondering if I was in labour or not. I had come back from the doctor's appointment with no news. So Abby and I had some lunch (still uncomfortable) and I put her down for a nap. After her nap, I started getting more uncomfortable so I started timing. They were about 15 mins apart but still not very consistent. Abby and I went downstairs to watch some TV. I had a little nap since that's the only thing that made the pain okay. Still 10 mins apart. Mark got home from work around 4 and we started supper. Mark made it because I was hurting too much. 8 mins apart. After supper, we (Mark) was cleaning up and it starting getting really bad. I kept walking around because it suddenly hurt to sit down (and it brought extreme contractions on). 6 mins apart. So now I'm getting a little nervous. I still don't really believe that the contractions are all that consistent but the pain is getting very real. So I call the hospital. They suggest to come in and get checked out. So we call the sitter, get Abby all set up, get the bags ready and head out the door. Still thinking that we might be back. We get to the hospital at 7pm. The nurses are in a meeting so we wait around in the TV room. I try and sit but it hurts and I get a huge contraction. I walk around the room stopping every so often (2 mins) to sway back and forth to alleviate the pain. At 7:30, the nurses come and check me. The first nurse says that I'm 6-7. I don't understand. So I ask her if what she means is that I'm 6-7 cms dilated. Yep, she says. She gets another nurse to check. Sure enough. The doctor arrives in the next 10 minutes to check again. Meanwhile, Mark is trying to get answers from the nurses as they are busy setting up all their stuff. Should we call Grandparents to look after Abby? Or is it too early? Oh no, says the nurse, she's having the baby tonight. So the doctor breaks my water to get things going. It must have been around 8 pm that he did this, I'm not too sure. This is the part where things blend together. Time passes in an instant and yet stands still. At 9 pm, I hear a cry and feel something being put on my chest. I looked down to see a squirming pinky purple baby laying there. All I could do was stare at her and say hello. Over and over. The nurses were wiping her off while I stared with amazement. It took another 45 minutes to get everything else finished up (I'll spare you the gory and painful details) and at 10 pm, Isabelle Mary had her first real meal in this world. I still couldn't believe it had all really happened. I spent the next few days in the hospital. My parents came and took Abby to their house for those days so we could concentrate on healing and getting used to Isabelle. So far she's fitting nicely in our little family. Abby is thrilled to be a big sister and takes very good care of Isabelle. She is very gentle and eager to help.
This morning, we went out a bought Abby a big girl bike. Every big girl needs a bike. Her first trip out with it, she took a corner too tight and fell off. She got three band-aids from that one (which joined the one on her neck form doing up the helmet when she squirmed, and the two on her tummy when she scraped it falling off the chair). She's had a rough day. But she got right back on the bike (after cuddles) and rode down the street with Daddy. She finally settled down for a nap after promises of more bike rides. This weather had better turn around soon because I have a kid with too much energy and too many big girl things to do. Isabelle could use some time in the sun too. I think we all could.
This morning, we went out a bought Abby a big girl bike. Every big girl needs a bike. Her first trip out with it, she took a corner too tight and fell off. She got three band-aids from that one (which joined the one on her neck form doing up the helmet when she squirmed, and the two on her tummy when she scraped it falling off the chair). She's had a rough day. But she got right back on the bike (after cuddles) and rode down the street with Daddy. She finally settled down for a nap after promises of more bike rides. This weather had better turn around soon because I have a kid with too much energy and too many big girl things to do. Isabelle could use some time in the sun too. I think we all could.