Things I Wished Would Induce Labour
1. Large amounts of chocolate. Preferably with peanut butter.
2. Naps.
3. Ice cream.
4. Everytime someone asks if you're ready to be done.
5. Watching bad TV.
6. Having everything set to go.
7. Hours on the internet.
8. Sitting around, doing nothing.
9. Eating, in general.
10. Sheer will.
2. Naps.
3. Ice cream.
4. Everytime someone asks if you're ready to be done.
5. Watching bad TV.
6. Having everything set to go.
7. Hours on the internet.
8. Sitting around, doing nothing.
9. Eating, in general.
10. Sheer will.
My appointment went went. Shouldn't be too much longer now. Baby is still kinda high but it has dropped an inch in the last week. He doesn't think I'll go over (guess that means I will). So now I'm waiting. Might as well have some breakfast and get ready for the day.
And don't worry. I am on Facebook and Twitter and I text regularily. I will let you know if something happens!