A War Waging

Facebook vs. Twitter

I've been a wee but unimpressed with Facebook lately. There's so much junk on it. From people sharing viral stories about the little girl with cancer or the abused puppy or the terrible cashier at Walmart. And then all the inspirational pictures telling you to "like." It's as bad as those forwarded emails of more than a few years ago. Trust me, Jesus still loves you even if you don't share that stupid email. And I can't forget to mention all the games and ads. It's all a bit much. The mobile app isn't much better. Every once and awhile, it will take my latest status updates and put them on top of the "Most Recent" activity. And it won't refresh. So with all these problems combining, I'm considering deleting my Facebook account. I haven't yet simply because I deleted my Instagram account awhile back and I regretted it. I lost all my followers, all my pictures (I had them backed up on the computer) and I had to change my name in order to get a new account. So that turned out to be a big mistake. And the other reason, the biggest reason, is that Facebook is where I put all my picture of my kids (and me) so their grandparents can see. I like using Twitter to keep in touch with people and the news. However, I'm not a huge fan of putting pictures of my kids on since the public nature of it. But then again, I have no problem with putting them on my blog. I guess I just don't think anyone reads my blog. But do I think that many people follow me on Twitter? I have 16 followers. Big deal. I think I'll keep it the way it is now but if one more thing makes me mad about Facebook, I might have to give it the ol' heave ho!


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