Resolution Revolution
I guess it's time for the Annual New Year's Resolution Post. This year I'm sticking to something more simple. I'm trying to get more organized, especially when it comes to keeping the house clean. I'm not going to focus so much on "clean the house" but rather do a bit everyday to "keep the house clean." So I made chart of the days of the week with the list of things to do that day. Somethings I have on everyday like make beds and do dishes and a load of laundry. I don't start until 9 am so I have time to have coffee and have some wake-up time. Today, I started with beds, got the dishes put away and wiped down the bedroom windows. I had already done the laundry yesterday so I just put those clothes away. I looked at the clock: 9:19. All I have left to do is sweep, make supper and put the toys away after Abby goes to bed. I think this may work.
One of the big reasons I'm doing this is because of Isabelle. She is crawling around the house so much and she finds every piece if dust/hair/fuzz on the floor and puts it in her mouth. I'm tired of fishing dust bunnies out of her mouth. It's gross. I need to keep these floors clean. And the worse part is that she loves crawling into the bathroom. Even in the cleanest bathroom you shouldn't really be eating off the floors! This kid is going to have an amazing immune system if I can keep her from choking on any little thing she finds on the floor. And speaking of giving me a heart attack... We have a new rule in our house. The door to the basement stays closed. I was cleaning up some of the Christmas decorations when I realized that the last time I saw Isabelle she was heading to the kitchen. And I couldn't remember if the door was closed. I ran over to check (and I do mean ran) and sure enough, there she was, looking over the edge down to the dark basement. I scooped her up and we snuggled on the chair while my heart returned to a normal speed. She didn't seem to mind the snuggle even though it was a little tighter than usual. Then Abby and I made a sign for the door so everyone knows that the door STAYS CLOSED!!
So there you have it. No big life changing resolutions to exercise 20 minutes a day or to start eating organically. I'm going to read some great books but only if I have the time. I'll watch tv and eat chocolate. Somethings will never change.
One of the big reasons I'm doing this is because of Isabelle. She is crawling around the house so much and she finds every piece if dust/hair/fuzz on the floor and puts it in her mouth. I'm tired of fishing dust bunnies out of her mouth. It's gross. I need to keep these floors clean. And the worse part is that she loves crawling into the bathroom. Even in the cleanest bathroom you shouldn't really be eating off the floors! This kid is going to have an amazing immune system if I can keep her from choking on any little thing she finds on the floor. And speaking of giving me a heart attack... We have a new rule in our house. The door to the basement stays closed. I was cleaning up some of the Christmas decorations when I realized that the last time I saw Isabelle she was heading to the kitchen. And I couldn't remember if the door was closed. I ran over to check (and I do mean ran) and sure enough, there she was, looking over the edge down to the dark basement. I scooped her up and we snuggled on the chair while my heart returned to a normal speed. She didn't seem to mind the snuggle even though it was a little tighter than usual. Then Abby and I made a sign for the door so everyone knows that the door STAYS CLOSED!!
So there you have it. No big life changing resolutions to exercise 20 minutes a day or to start eating organically. I'm going to read some great books but only if I have the time. I'll watch tv and eat chocolate. Somethings will never change.