Yoga No-go

I’ve noticed lately that I’ve been feeling more stiff and sore than usual. I’m not getting any younger and I know I need to get more exercise. And by more, I mean any.

Since I’ve been so stiff I thought yoga would be a good option. It’s not my favourite-I find it kind of boring. But it should be good to stretch me out. I used to do Taekwondo but I just couldn’t find the time to keep going.

I found a free app for my IPad and I made a plan to get up 15 minutes early this morning to go do some yoga!! I’ve never been good at getting up early to do anything so I had my doubts about whether or not I would be able to do go through with it. But I need to do something!!

Sure enough, this morning my alarm woke me up - at this point I should probably mention that I woke up a bunch of times last night. I did not have a good sleep. Nevertheless, I got out of bed and stumbled down the hall. I got halfway there when I realized that I can barely keep my balance while walking. How on earth am I going to do an exercise program that calls for excellent balance? So I turned around and crawled back into bed. I reset my alarm and immediately fell back asleep.

So much for that.

I’ll do it tonight. However, after the rough day I had at work and the double gimlet I’m drinking right now might derail that plan too.

If anyone has any ideas, I’m all ears!!


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