The Season of Advent

It’s December. All my Christmas baking is done and my cards are ready to be mailed. The majority of the gifts are bought and decorations are up. I. Am. Ready.

So this year I wanted to celebrate the season of Advent. No, not the chocolate countdown calendars. The candles for the 4 Sunday’s before Christmas. Now I will be honest, I didn’t even know about Advent or Advent candles or wreaths until I moved churches in high school. And then this year I felt that it was important to teach the girls about advent. This morning we went to church but there was no advent wreath and the pastor didn’t mention Christmas or advent. I was starting to think I had the dates wrong! So we just celebrated at home.

I told them how the first candle symbolizes hope. We read Jeremiah 33:14 ““ ‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah.” And lit the first candle. We will continue this for the rest of Advent. It’s not much but if we do it every year I hope it resonates with them and they get something out of it.


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