A Return to Normal
I always appreciated fall because it was a return to the routine. The girls’ activities would start and I could plan my schedule around theirs. This fall, obviously got off to a shaky start. First there was some anxiety over whether or not it would start and if it did, how would it work and for how long?

And then there were the activities. The girls are both in Girl Guides and their meetings both started off outdoors. This week they are both moving indoors and all the girls and leaders will wear masks.
Curling also started back up. They aren’t required to wear masks but they are using every other sheet - trying to spread themselves out. And they aren’t allowed to share rocks, brooms or sliders.
I don’t know it it’s too much or not enough. I guess time will tell. In the meantime the girls are back at it and I am running around four days a week. Sounds normal to me.