Bugging Me

Every season has its bugs. In spring all the crawlers start to emerge.  In summer it’s butterflies and grasshoppers. In fall it’s the wasps getting ready for winter and start to get aggressive. For a solid two weeks or so they’re so bad!! Flying by the front of your vehicle or in and out of buildings.  Any place they they can find food or find a place for winter. And then there’s the maple bugs. Just yesterday I saw my first one of the season. They’re not as bad as wasps since all they do is crawl. But they are creepy. When we lived in our old house, every fall they’d cover the south facing side of the house. They’d finds ways inside - I’d kill dozens everyday! Now that we’re at the acreage maple bugs aren’t such a problem. We do get more than our fair share of flies. Annoying but not the end of the world. Last year we had an issue with those little bugs you can barely see.  This years they’re not so bad. 

At least in winter you get a bit of a reprieve. Other than the ones that found their way in and decide to go for a walk. I’m looking at you spiders! 


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