On Target!
To blow off some steam, Mark and I and a few friends went trap shooting on Monday evening. We had 500 shotgun shells and three boxes of clay pigeons and shot for an hour until we ran out of shells. We did pretty good. We both hit on our first shot so that got the night off on a good note. The old timer even called me a natural. And the other guys were muttering about being out shot by beginners. Hee Hee! It was a lot of fun. I shot Mark's new 12 gauge and a break action 12 gauge and a $1700 20 gauge. I really liked the break action because Mark's is a pump action and I can't pump it fast enough to get two shots off. I'm not as strong as the guys so I have to wait for the last second to bring the shot gun up or I can't hold it. By the end of the night, I could hardly pump the shot gun and I was even having trouble opening and closing the break action. The next day, it hurt to put my jacket on and hang it up at work. Even today putting on my jacket was tough. One of the guys got a big bruise on his shoulder because he shot when he didn't have the gun in the right position. Mark's shoulder was a little swollen and lots of burst blood vessels. I have a few but not as bad.