The weekend starts with a BANG!

The other day, a fox ran out from the bush and across the street. If he had any sense, he'd have run the other way...

Yesterday, I was sitting upstairs watching TV, and I saw a water bomber fly really low over the house. It kinda surprised me because it was so low. But then again, they did just arrive and I figured they must be practising. And besides, if there was a forest fire that close, we would have known about it. And the planes kept flying. There was not a moment that I could not hear a plane. They had to practising...

There was a fire at the site where HBM&S houses all the explosives. The fire got to about 18 feet away from the powder. Any closer, Creighton and Flin Flon would have been evacuated, one way or another. The story I heard was a surveyor was smoking and threw the cigarette down and it started a fire that spread to the buildings, but that could just be a story. All I know is that I am even more uncomfortable with explosives being stored around town.

Mark is going on his Fishing Weekend tonight. The temperature outside right now is 0 degrees. And windy. And calling for 5-10 cm of snow. But apparently tomorrow will be +8 so they'll play cards tonight and fish tomorrow. Good luck and stay warm!


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