
This is the bridge we went to catch the sucker fish. It's very old and it has no sides. When we drove over it, I had to close my eyes and hold onto Mark. Everyone laughed at me. But it was really scary!

When we got there, we could see them grouped together. There must have been hundreds!

All we had to do was put the net in and scoop them up.

After we caught all we wanted, we sat and watched them swim. A few tried to swim up the rapids but we didn't see any actually make it all the way.

When we were driving around, we saw a Spruce Hen, well rooster. It was really fluffed up because he was with a hen. Richard said that he has never seen them so fluffed before.

He also said that he saw three bears on their way to the dump. We had never seen a bear yet so we went to the dump on the way home. Sure enough, there was one sitting and having lunch. He'd lift his head once and a while but was content to eat the garbage.


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