Time to Jump!
I am cheering for the Senators to win the Cup. Now before you start yelling, "BANDWAGON JUMPER!", let me explain. First of all, yes, I am a bandwagon jumper. I always have been when it comes to hockey. The season is just too long to cheer for all of it. And besides, I never really liked a team to begin with and I'm too old to just start being a die-hard fan. So, every play-off season, I choose a team to cheer for. And usually the only Canadian team that's left, or if there is a choice, the one that is farthest West. Now you may say that Anaheim has more Canadians on the team than Ottawa so if the only criteria I have is Canadian, then I should cheer for the Ducks. Well, you'd be right, except that I don't know anyone who is on either team. So really, individual players mean nothing to me. I am cheering for the city that the team is from. I would much rather see Ottawa citizens celebrate than Anaheim citizens turn on the TV to realize that they won. Although, now that I saw Arnie chatting it up with Don, I may have to change my mind. I went through this with Calgary and Tamps Bay. The Tampa Bay coach was from Saskatchewan as was some player. And again, more Canadians on Tampa Bay's team. But when they won, no one seemed to notice. So I have decided to cheer for the fans. Mark thinks I'm nuts and that I should just cheer for whoever has the puck (as I usually do). And you can probably tell just how involved I am in the series as I am writing this blog while the game is on. I'm a casual fan. Hop on with me, it's quite a view!