Got that Rider Pride!

So yesterday morning, I woke up, feeling a bit better and threw on my Bobby Jurasin bandanna. Mark looked at it asked me what it was. I told him that this old Rider used to wear it every games and I really liked him so I'm wearing it for the Labour Day game. He asked if he was Oriental because the bandanna has the Asian rising sun on it. I said no, I don't think so. I think he's black. Well, the memories you have when you're seven years old can be fuzzy. It's hard to see through the helmets. Okay, so it's 2:30 and I'm gearing up for the game. I especially don't want to miss the opening of the game so I turn to TSN early. And what is on? A special all on Bobby Jurasin. And he's not black. Not even tanned. Whiter than me. So I had a good laugh and watched the show. It's funny what you think you like about someone when you're seven. I always knew that I liked the guy but if you asked me anything about him, I would have been able to tell you that he wore a bandanna. And I never remembered a rising sun either but that's another story. So the show goes on and the more I see, the more I like. The guy played hard. And he played for fun. He had a great attitude and he got really excited about football. I liked that. A lot. I always liked the guys that sack quarterbacks. I never really realized why. I always thought it was because I don't really like quarterbacks. But now I think it's because I used to cheer for Jurasin and that's what he did. Weird. So I learned a few things before the game.
They never did show the introductions before the game. Not pleased. But the game was awesome. Well, the parts we watched. We saw up until half-times, then went out for burgers. We decided we'd watch a movie because Winnipeg was doing so well. We always do this, watch the first bit then turn it off and see later that day that they won. Oh well, as long as they keep winning, who cares! So we watched the highlights and went to bed. Good game.

We rented a bunch of movies of this Celebratory Long Weekend (my new job). One of the them was Wild Hogs. I didn't really care about renting, Mark wanted it. But it was really good. The best of the bunch we got. It was really funny and a good story. Dad, you should rent it. I'm serious. It's a good one!

So my last day as having no job is nearly over. I'm enjoying it as much as possible. Taking it easy. I might go for a walk, I might not. Who knows, the possibilities are endless!

Yesterday was the day to renew memories. I was trying to sing that old Rider fight song but I couldn't remember any of the lyrics. Just Football is our game and winning is our aim. But during the special, they played the fight song!! Whoo hoo!

Green is the Colour.
Football is the Game.
We're all together and
Winning is our aim.
So Cheer us on through the sun and rain.
Saskatchewan Roughriders is our name.


Catherine said…
Although I am still fuzzy on the rules of the CFL, if someone were to ask me who I support, I'd now have to say "The Roughriders, of course!"

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