My Rant For the Day

I was watching Marketplace today, I often do, and I noticed something. This show seems to forget that we live in a capitalistic society. They were talking about vet bills and how much the vets mark-up their prices for the medicines. The show was appalled that vets would actually mark-up the medicines. Really? I wasn't. Of course they mark it up, everyone does. That's how you make a profit. And that's the kind of society we live in. Don't be so naive. She kept asking the the people who make and sell the medicines how are pet owners are supposed to know that there is a choice and that there is a mark-up? The one guy said that he had more faith in consumers that they would know to shop around and that vets are making money on medicines. Maybe I'm cynical but I don't for one second believe that I'm paying the same price for drugs as the doctor did. Next week they are interviewing people who are unhappy about Canadian Tire money. One lady thought it was legal tender. Another guy was mad was he realized it was actually some money off coupon. And he was shredding it. Give it to me. I'll put it to better use than that. And if you don't want to give it to me, give it back to them. They have baskets set up to donate it to their charity. And besides, where else can you go and buy something and get a coupon for your next purchase. Yes, it's a few cents but it's better than nothing. I just hate how they go after businesses for making money. If they were not delivering a safe and reliable product, well them you have a story. As if we are so shocked that a business is trying to make the most money it possibly can. And it is our responsibility to shop around and ask questions. Otherwise, we are clueless and rely on things like Marketplace to make our decisions for us.

There, I'm done. That was my rant. Other than that, I'm fine. I performed on Main Street days along with the band. We played four songs. I think it went pretty good. I dragged Mark along (he's my roadie) and he said we sounded good. It was so hot out. There were quite a few people I knew there. Yesterday was Mark's last day of school. Then the teachers all went out and partied. They had a good time. Maybe too good since two of them left with shaved heads. So now I have a long weekend and he has the longest weekend. It's going to be a good summer.


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