
Yesterday was supposed to be my doctor's appointment. But since he's the only baby Doctor here, he gets called away a lot. I had never been cancelled before but everyone else in my Pre-Natal Classes had been so I was wondering when my turn would be. There were a few things I was going to ask him, like if I can get another ultrasound to narrow my dates down just a bit. I do have on piece of good news. I love Tums. I have been having out-of-control heartburn and while I did lower my peanut butter intake, I started getting it at night. I would sleep for twenty minutes then I'd wake up in pain. Then fall asleep and wake up again, after twenty minutes in searing pain. So I went out and bought Tums Smoothies in assorted Tropical Fruit with Calcium. They taste like candy. I love them. Now, when I get a twinge of heartburn, I take one. I have to limit it to when I actually have heartburn because I could pound back those things like nobody's business!

My new friend

The baby is getting more and more active. Before, it was a kick now and then, now it's a constant barrage of punches, headbutts, kicks and twisting around. A few days ago, it kicked my two places at once. Then later on it was four kicks at once! Well, maybe two punches and two kicks, but I felt it in four spots at once. I still think the twisting is the weirdest feeling. The one thing that no one told me about... the baby pinched me. And it hurt. Today the baby discovered my bladder. This will be interesting. It also likes to kick when I start eating. If the baby starts showing its personality while still in the womb, I might be in for a wild ride. The good news is that with all this kicking, Mark gets to feel a lot of it.

Mark's parents were here over the weekend. They helped us with our flower patch. It was great having them here. They are both really good gardeners, and neither of us are. They helped us pick out flowers and helped us plant them. Now we just have to keep them alive.

Now I just have to get through the rest of the week. I did court in Cranberry Portage and the rest of the week, there is court in town. Oh well, the more work, the more money for baby supplies!


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