The Winds of Change...

...brings smoke. There is a forest fire around Sherridon and until today, I had not smelled any smoke. Today, it rolled in. It would've been a clear, sunny day had it not been for the smoke. Although it could be worse. I was told that in 1989, you could not see across the street due to the thick smoke. It's been so dry here lately, I wouldn't be surprised if there were more fires.

I'm finishing up my busy week. Tuesday court in Cranberry, yesterday and today, court here - and fairly big dockets too. But it's going smoothly enough and tomorrow is the the last trial of the week. Then there is nothing until July! So I'm getting quite a few days off next week. Maybe I'm finally clean up my scrapbooking room. Ha! But I will be able to get a lot more scrapbooking done. I'm up the Carolyn and James' wedding. They had so many pictures that I could make a book just for the wedding. I haven't even started my baby scrapbook. I need to buy more albums. I already ran out of room in this one and I need a new one for the baby/pregnancy.

Good news: We bought a couch of a friend - one year old and only $550. Plus he was also selling a computer desk so now I can put my computer on a desk instead of the table I was using for scrapbooking/piano. Try to practice piano on a keyboard that rest on the floor. Not easy. Especially with my belly the way it is now.


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