I'm Allowed to be Neurotic!

Throughout the pregnancy, I've often told myself that since this is my first pregnancy, I'm allowed to be a little neurotic and anal. I've heard so many stories about mothers with more than one child looking back on how they treated the first pregnancy and first child with such care and now laugh about how controlling they were. Well, here I am and this is my first so if I want to be neurotic, well this is my chance and I'm going to act how I'm going to act and if I have a second child then I can look back and laugh at myself. But until then, I'm going to worry about everything if I want to.

So on Friday, after work, we went to the hospital. I had left work to go to pick up some pop. I was walking towards the pop aisle when I felt something leak. I didn't think it was too bad but when I got home, I could see that it was quite a bit. I looked in my book and all I could find was that if you think your water broke, go to the hospital. Well, it wasn't that much, it couldn't have been that could it? But the book never said how much and it mentioned that it could feel like a trickle. So that got me a little concerned. By this time Mark had came in and saw me reading my book with more than my usual interest. So we decided to phone the Health Line. The nurse takes my call and asks me a bunch of questions. Am I having contractions? No. Is the baby moving? Yes. Do you feel the urge to push? No (if I had, I would already be at the hospital). Do you feel faint or dizzy? No (well, a bit because I was tired after the day and it was really hot out). So after all that, she checks her guidelines and tells me that I should see a doctor right away. I was a little surprised when she said this because I didn't have any other symptoms but when a registered nurse says that I should see a doctor, I go see a doctor. (see any post where I have mentioned that my mother is a nurse and that we only ever saw a doctor when it was serious. Otherwise, she did everything and we just needed his signature on the prescription form. For me, when a nurse can't take care of a problem and refers me to a doctor, I take this a bad sign.) So I phoned the clinic, but it's after 5:00 so they have all gone. So it's off to the hospital. Here's a fact I didn't know before...you know how everyone complains they have to wait in the emergency room for hours before they see a doctor? Well, get pregnant. I walked up to the information/admitting desk and she took one look at me and said go on up, she'd phone them and let them know I was on my way. By the time the elevator reached the 5th floor, they were ready for me and took me into an exam room. (Aside: there was a baby boy in the hallway - so cute!) At the Pre-Natal Classes, we were told if we ever think that our water has broken, take the underwear to the hospital so they can check it. They have a special swab that changes colour if it is amniotic fluid. So she got me on the bed and strapped the monitors to my belly. The heartbeat was great, no contractions and boy was the baby ever moving! I've found it doesn't like tight things around it. If I rest my arm on my belly, it starts kicking at it, when I put on my lifejacket, it starts squirming and once those straps were on, it would not stop moving. It's found a new plaything, my rib. Not all of them, just the one. That little squirmy-pants has some muscle! There were a couple times when it really hurt. So anyway, the nurse did the swab test to see if it changed colour, and no it didn't. But then she went and got the doctor. So I was confused. If it's nothing, why get the doctor? So the doctor comes and checks me out. I'm fine, baby is fine, no need to worry. Whew. The doctor said what probably happened was the baby pushed on my bladder and it leaked a bit. Huh. So you're telling me I went to the hospital because I peed my pants. How wonderful. So I felt a little silly but neither of them made me feel bad about coming in for a false alarm. In fact, the doctor said should this happen again and I want to come in again, don't hesitate and they'll check me again. So we went home feeling very relieved. We had only been there a total of an hour. See? Want to be checked by a doctor right away? Get pregnant. Pee your pants in the middle of Extra Foods. So now I'm wondering if this is a common occurrence so I check my book again. There's lot of talk about it happening after giving birth and a bit about it while you're still pregnant, but only with the mention of sneezing, coughing, laughing or jumping. I was walking. I hadn't even picked up the Coke yet so I can't blame it on that. And I've felt the baby lean on my bladder before. Oh well, one more joy to add to the list of the joys of pregnancy, pretty soon it'll be peeing its own pants.

I have a friend who is also pregnant - just a few weeks difference and I've often admired her for her candid posts. I do believe that this has been my most candid post yet!

P.S. I went grocery shopping today and didn't buy a cheesecake. If that isn't willpower I don't know what if. Despite the fact I've already gain 25 pounds and I still have 8 weeks to go.


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