Can you believe I'm smiling? I can tell the baby has dropped a bit even if it doesn't look like it. Now the kicks are lower and if I'm curled up too much in bed, the baby will kick my legs away. My hips have started to hurt and when I roll over in bed, my hips will crack. Not a normal crack but it sounds like tin foil being crumpled up. The first time I heard it, I though my hips were going to shatter. But it's the home stretch now. It hasn't stopped moving around like they say it was going to, but that's okay with me. I like playing with the baby. Mark and I have a game with it. It pushes out a foot or something, and we tickle it and push back. Then it will push again. We can play that game for quite awhile. Those are the fun times. But I'm sure there will be even better times once the baby is born. I can't wait for the games we can play then!
I remember Josie pushing my legs away from my belly if I was curled up. So cute. :0