Highs and Lows

Had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I was feeling really bad so I'm glad it was then. I got my morning sickness back, except is was all day sickness. Plus, the baby has now stretched the front of my stomach to capacity and is now spreading to my sides. This is a whole new pain. It felt like back pain spreading into my sides. But unfortunately, it's just stretching which means there is nothing you can do about it. Except lay on the couch and complain to your very understanding husband while he strokes your head and reminds you that it will soon be over and you can hold your baby. It's amazing how much that actually works. I mean, it still hurts like crazy but it's okay. I think the biggest problem was that it makes it really uncomfortable to sleep. When you can't get comfy laying in bed, something is very wrong. And you wake up in pain rather than rested, you get a little grumpy. Last night was a bit better. And today, I didn't hurt at all once I got up and started walking around. And I wasn't nauseous at all. I had to work this afternoon so I was really hoping I would feel better. Now it's just so @%*! hot. I think I'll have another cold bath tonight. It worked last night.

So I guess that first part was the lowlights of yesterday; here are the highlights.
1. Mark and I made two lasagnas to freeze for after the baby is born and I am too tired to cook. (We made two more tonight through the sweltering heat.)
2. We bought a mix of nuts that fill a ice cream pail and they make a great snack. (It's supposed to be a good snack to keep your energy up for breastfeeding but apparently they are so good that both Mark and I are snacking on them already)
3. We went to look at the Star Choice store in town to see if the DVRs have gone down in price at all. We've wanted one for so long but always said not until they go on sale. We discovered that they are selling refurbished ones (with the warranty) for half price. So Mark has his DVR that he can record shows on in the basement and I have a dish upstairs so I can watch baseball games upstairs!! No more settling for CTV and CBC. Tonight we watched the Jays games while making the rest of the lasagnas. I even got to see the interview with Roberto Alomar. I would never have seen that if we didn't get the extra receiver!! He's got his accent back. For awhile, it seemed to have faded and that was half his charm. But it's back!!
4. We had carmel frappacinos at the Orange Toad. Both decaf this time so Mark didn't go crazy with the caffeine and the fact that he finally got his DVR.
5. Oh, and other than the pain, the appointment went really well. Baby is a good size, head is down and the heartbeat is good. He said my hemoglobin is low so he gave me some iron pills. Maybe that will help with the fatigue but I doubt it.

So it was a good day and a bad day. And today was a better day but a hotter day. I wonder what tomorrow will bring. I'm not working so that's a point for the highlights already. And the plan is make muffins so that's good too. But it's supposed to get to 30C. I guess you can't have a perfect day. But maybe if it gets that hot, we'll go to the lake again. Score!!


Anonymous said…
I found that nuts are a great snack. I also really like Nature Valley Sweet and Salty nut bars. They have nuts in them and are coated in almond/peanut butter. They are great for 3 in the morning when the baby wakes up to eat and you are hungry too. Also, lasagnas are great to freeze, although you go through your pre-made stuff so fast. We got take-out a lot the first couple weeks and my parents and Brian's parents cooked the two weekends they were out. Chloe's awake. gotta go

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