Total Recall

I've never been one to subscribe to mass hysteria. I figure what happens happens and there's no sense getting all freaked out about it and start suing people and trying to stage a bloody coup to overthrow the government. I totally ignored the tomato recall - wasn't that hard considering I don't buy tomatoes anyway. And that spinach scare a few years a ago...well, maybe I did freak because I haven't bought spinach since!! But I figured with the veggie recalls, just wash the veggies and it'll be okay. The problems happen when people don't wash their food or are neglectful themselves. But with cold cuts, I don't don't think you can wash them, and I don't think cooking my sandwich meat is going to work either. And normally, I wouldn't consider any of that anyway. Just like with the West Nile hysteria, I figure I have a good immune system and either I will never get it or already have it and am fighting it off. Except now I'm pregnant and the reporters keep saying that the elderly, people with compromised immune systems and pregnant women are the ones at greatest risk. Then I think about the cold I had a few months ago that took three times longer to get rid of than usual. I always buy Schneider's sandwich meat (see above). So when this recall happened, I looked at the package, there was no evil 97B on it. I looked at the website and the type of sausage I buy - All Beef Salami - was not on that list. Yet, I get a strange twinge of fear. Am I going to be a slave to overzealous reporting forever now? Do I start growing my own fruit and vegetables and buying only organic, free range meat? I can't live in a constant state of fear. Plus, if I grew my own fruits and vegetables, the levels of iron, mercury and sulfur would likely do more damage that any little strain of bacteria. And I can't grow weeds so I think I'll take a deep breath and turn the TV off.

This is what happens when I don't have a Jays game to distract me.


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