It's Over!
My crazy three week stretch of being alone in the office is over! The first week went pretty good, kinda boring and lonely. It ended poorly due to cranky lawyers and judges who I need to anticipate every move for. I'm not actually blaming the judge for this one. It's part of my job to make sure he/she has everything they need and are ready for court the next day. I don't mind doing it even, it's just hard to think like a judge when I have no idea where they are coming from. The second week started rocky due to court being stressful but the judge said that I'm getting much better. There were only a few things he had to fix up. He joked that now I'm getting the hang of it, I have to leave and I'll forget it all! He's really nice in chambers, it's just once he gets in the courtroom he turns into such a stern, impatient scary person. But I'm getting used to that too. But the rest of the week went okay. I was getting a little tired but then the weekend came. And my last week was really boring. Except for one guy that came in and was mad about how expensive the speeding tickets are. One simple solution for that! I'm much more looking forward to this week!
So this weekend started off pretty good. We slept until 10:30. We went to the hardware store to pick up some stuff for those little jobs around the house. The nursery now has a closet bar and the front door has a working doorknob. And soon we will have a new storm door so the door won't freeze every winter. Mark needs someone to help him install it and I don't seem to be much of a help. I can get him tools but today, even that was stretch. He had to get his own Phillips screwdriver. I was exhausted and dizzy all day. I'm fine sitting down, so that's what I did while he installed the doorknob. Sat there and drank some water. Then we were hungry so we went out for lunch and then to the Orange Toad for frapacinnos. It's 1000% better than an Ice Cap. We both had the Carmel flavour and I had mine in decaf. Tim Horton's couldn't do that for you! So now, I'm playing on the computer. The Rider and Blue Jays games aren't on for a bit so I have some time to kill. Thursday night I was so bored and nothing was on TV, I decided to draw. Usually that's a bad idea because I fool myself into thinking that I can draw but as soon as I start, it becomes clear that I can't. Well this time, I had a lot of time so I was really careful. Plus I had a very willing subject. When Mark plays his computer games, he can stay still for hours! It's on lined paper so that's why it looks strange.
So this weekend started off pretty good. We slept until 10:30. We went to the hardware store to pick up some stuff for those little jobs around the house. The nursery now has a closet bar and the front door has a working doorknob. And soon we will have a new storm door so the door won't freeze every winter. Mark needs someone to help him install it and I don't seem to be much of a help. I can get him tools but today, even that was stretch. He had to get his own Phillips screwdriver. I was exhausted and dizzy all day. I'm fine sitting down, so that's what I did while he installed the doorknob. Sat there and drank some water. Then we were hungry so we went out for lunch and then to the Orange Toad for frapacinnos. It's 1000% better than an Ice Cap. We both had the Carmel flavour and I had mine in decaf. Tim Horton's couldn't do that for you! So now, I'm playing on the computer. The Rider and Blue Jays games aren't on for a bit so I have some time to kill. Thursday night I was so bored and nothing was on TV, I decided to draw. Usually that's a bad idea because I fool myself into thinking that I can draw but as soon as I start, it becomes clear that I can't. Well this time, I had a lot of time so I was really careful. Plus I had a very willing subject. When Mark plays his computer games, he can stay still for hours! It's on lined paper so that's why it looks strange.
