I'm Okay Now

Yeah, I feel better now. I just got a little overwhelmed but I'm calmed down now. This is what I truly want and I was so focused on how excited/uncomfortable I am that I don't pay much attention to the fact that the pregnancy isn't forever and what I'm getting after that is so much better and more exciting than what I'm going through now. These last two days, I've been feeling pretty good. The weather has really changed. This week we had to buy two big fans and set them up in the house (it felt like wind tunnel) in order to cool it off. Last night the furnace came on. Not only can we sleep upstairs comfortably, we actually had to put the covers back on the bed! And today when I got groceries, I put on a sweater. It is such a beautiful day. It's sunny with a tiny breeze and 13 C. I love it. I had written off picking more blueberries but I might take a trip today. Who knows. I have a few things to do around the house that I finally have energy to do plus, I might have to watch the rest of the ball game. 7-0 in the 4th inning. I'm liking this!


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