Happy Halloween
I don't know if I like Halloween or not. There is a thin line between kids having fun dressing up and going around collecting candy and kids going too far and egging your house. And I am always very conscious of that fact. I can't sleep well without listening for voices outside the house. Maybe I'm just paranoid but I don't like being held hostage - handing out chocolate so my house and vehicles remain un-egged. I used to love Halloween. I loved the costumes and running around and eating chocolate. Now the best part of it is the next day and all the cheap candy. Yeah, except at Wal-Mart today, it was all gone and Christmas stuff was in its place and the grocery store only had costumes on sale. I wanted 75% off all Halloween candy! BOO.

You know how they say not to dress up your pets unless you are sure they like it? Well, that goes for babies too. Anyway, here's Abby's first Halloween. We actually had two costumes so here they are: