Neurotic Mother Moment #??
Mark and I were invited to a wedding reception on Saturday which means we need to find a babysitter. Last night, I called a girl from the church and she was free so she'll be coming over to babysit Abby on Saturday. I've never left Abby with anyone other than family before. I was a little nervous about getting a sitter. After I got off the phone with her, I started freaking out. I was still holding Abby and I was standing in the kitchen. Mark had gone curling so we were all alone. I felt so lost, I needed to talk to someone, so I called up my sister. She wasn't home so by the time she called me back, I had calmed down a bit but it didn't take me long before I started crying again. I know, it's silly. It'll only be a few hours and the girl has babysat lots of times so she knows what she's doing. But this is a huge step for me. But my sister was able to talk me through it and really made me feel better about the whole thing. Now I'll be able to leave Abby with the sitter and have a good time.
I went out for lunch today with the girls from work. It was a nice time, but Abby got a bit fussy by the end. She was getting really tired and fell asleep on the way back to the truck. She has stopped sleeping through the night. A new development of which I am not fond. But if she has a good nap now, I will be happier.
I went out for lunch today with the girls from work. It was a nice time, but Abby got a bit fussy by the end. She was getting really tired and fell asleep on the way back to the truck. She has stopped sleeping through the night. A new development of which I am not fond. But if she has a good nap now, I will be happier.
but do enjoy your time out! Abby will be just fine. :)