Stopped In My Tracks
I was running errands yesterday evening. I went to WalMart to drop my pictures off to be developed, ran to Canadian tire and bought a George Forman grill and a few other things, then to Extra Foods for milk and bread then back to WalMart to pick up the pictures. It wasn't the best of times. It was cold, icy and dark. Abby got fussy nearly every place we went and there were more people in the stores than I had anticipated. Plus, when I parked the truck at WalMart, I parked too close to the place you return your carts so I could get Abby out. So I had to get back in and move to a different spot. I was frazzled from the beginning and by the end, I had nearly lost my mind. When I got home, I took in the milk and went back to the truck for Abby. All I could think was that I was so happy to be home but now I have to unload everything, and she's probably screaming her head off. When I opened the door, she was fast asleep. A sweater image I have never seen. It was exactly what I needed a that moment to calm down.
Abby was weighed today. 15lbs 8 oz. Even I was surprised. I guess even babies gain a few Christmas pounds.
Abby was weighed today. 15lbs 8 oz. Even I was surprised. I guess even babies gain a few Christmas pounds.