I finally accepted that not all babies are alike. Oh I know that all the books say that but I found that I was still comparing. It doesn't help that everyone who has ever had a kid tells me how long theirs would sleep at night and when they would go to sleep and at what age it all began (or didn't). The last two nights I have been trying to put Abby to sleep at around 9:00 when she starts to get sleepy. I feed her and she falls asleep. I set her in her crib and she sleeps for 5 minutes. So I go back and get her back asleep and set her back in her crib. And she wakes up right away and will not settle. It's extremely frustrating because I can get her to sleep I just can't keep her there. I had been reading about teaching the baby to self-soothe. Well, she was self-angering. Just as I was about to throw the pacifier across the room, I glanced up at the clock. It was 10:00. I stopped for a second and realized how ridiculous this was. I'm trying to put a baby, who I know is not ready to sleep, to bed. So I picked her up and we went downstairs to watch TV. She was so happy. We giggled and grinned at each other. Then Mark came over and we watched the rest of a movie. She's got a routine that works for her and I have finally accepted that. At around 11:30, she started getting sleepy and I rocked her to sleep. Once the movie was over, I took her upstairs and set her in her crib. She slept.
Since I was in such a good mood, I decided to press my luck. I took out some pants from the closet in my "pre-pregnancy pile." And they fit! Well, the one pair was a bit tight, but the other pair fit perfectly!!! YAY!
Since I was in such a good mood, I decided to press my luck. I took out some pants from the closet in my "pre-pregnancy pile." And they fit! Well, the one pair was a bit tight, but the other pair fit perfectly!!! YAY!