A mother deer will leave her newborn baby all alone while she goes off to graze. Her fawn gives off no scent and is camouflaged by the spots on its back. However, if a predator should happen by, the baby will be eaten. This is considered totally normal, yet should a human mother is wracked with guilt if she should take five minutes to run to the shower. I know the analogy isn't great but let me continue. Some time ago, I was watching Dr.Phil. There was a woman on the show who was accused of being an unfit mother. Her behaviour? It was a a rainy and cold day. She had her infant strapped into his car seat and she needed to drop off some supplies to her family who were outside a department store. She parked the vehicle and got out, walked 20 feet (never lost sight of the vehicle) dropped off what she needed to and by the time she got back to her vehicle, there was someone waiting for her. The police were on their way. This scares me because when I go shopping (Co-op, WalMart, Extra Foods) I always make sure I park close to where the carts are stored. I put Abby (strapped into her car seat) into the cart and do my shopping. When I'm done. I start the truck, get Abby locked into her seat and then put away anything I bought (usually groceries). Then I put away the cart. I usually only park a couple spots away from the place where the carts go. But when I leave the truck with the baby (abandoned) while I put away the cart, I am very aware that I am leaving her unattended and that episode of Dr. Phil comes crashing into my brain. I keep expecting the cops to show up and take her away from me. But the way I figure it (and so did the lady who was arrested) was that my baby is safer out of the elements than being hauled outside. Now I would never leave her where I couldn't see the truck, but neither would that other lady. I guess I am just very aware of what can get my baby taken away. Part of my job is the criminal court, but the other is the family court. That deals with divorces and it also deals with child and family services. So every month, I get to see people who have had their children taken away from them. Usually it's for stuff I would never do. (get drunk and take off and leave their children alone for the weekend) But still, every time I go and return that cart, I am very nervous.