Random Happenings

This morning I came into the living room to watch some morning TV with Abby. I put her down on the floor on her blanket in front of the couch and sat down at the other end of the couch. I didn't do this on purpose. The blanket was already on the floor, and I needed the coffee table to set my coffee on. Abby layed there, twisting her head around so she could see me. It wasn't too long before she had wiggled herself off the blanket and got herself positioned right in front of me.

Yesterday, Abby discovered her feet. She's been looking at them lately but last night I had put her on the change table and she grabbed her feet. She didn't really know what to do with them, she tried to bring them to her mouth, but it didn't quite work. She had a good grip on them.

I can't believe it but I actually watched the Oscars. Almost every moment! Except for the end because Mark came and we watched TV together. Before last night, I didn't think Hugh Jackman was a good choice for host but after that opening, I was wrong. It was awesome!


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