Night Terrors!
Last night was an interesting one. (Note: when nights are interesting, it's not a good things. Nights are supposed to be boring and uneventful.) Abby fell asleep at 11:30 and seemed to go down for the night. However, she woke up again at 12:00. So I changed her diaper, rocked her back to sleep and then went back to bed myself. At 2:30, she woke up again. Fed her, and she fell back asleep. Then at 4:00, she woke up again. So fed her and back to sleep. Then awhile after that I woke up from a freaky dream. I was in a bus, driving in the mountains when there was a bad rock slide. Now, it wasn't an ordinary rock slide - huge boulders were rolling all over the highway. It was like Indiana Jones escaping from the cave type boulders. At one point, the bus swerved to escape the bolder and I could see another bus which had also swerved to miss a different bolder (there were hundreds) and was coming at us sideways. Then I woke up. I was a bit freaked out but I fell asleep again. So the dream continued!! Now I'm laying in the wreckage of the bus and paramedics are going around helping people. I keep asking for help and wondering why no one is helping me. They keep walking past me. Well, it turns out I'm dead. then I wake up to Abby crying. So now I'm even more freaked out. Needless to say, it wasn't a great night. But thank goodness for coffee and a hot shower!