Best Mother's Day Ever
Okay, so I've only had one before this and this year's hasn't quite come yet, but still... my man knows how to give a gift! He doesn't give a bunch of flowers that wither and die. He doesn't give chocolates that you make yourself sick on. Oh no, he gives you something that you really want. A present that actually means something because he knows you and he knows what you want. One year for Valentine's Day he gave me a banjo. People laughed at him. But he knew better. This year, he reached a new high. For Mother's Day, he got me an electric piano. Ta da...

I spent the evening reminding myself why I love music. I got out my old music books and started to play my old favourites. I was a little rusty but I was surprised by what I did remember. Somehow, my fingers remembered how far to jump and what note comes after the page turn. It's been years but the music came flooding back. It even has a plug for earphones so I can play as loud as I want and not bother anyone. We need to get an adapter so our earphones will work with it. I was told this after I played a few songs. I guess I was a little loud. I haven't read the manual yet but one feature I found just by playing around was the metronome. Just wait, it gets better. I have been so frustrated because with the garage band program on the computer, you can set the metronome so you can play in time. But I need to know the speed of the songs I want to play along with. It is so difficult to figure out how fast a song is just by listening to it and a metronome at the same time and figuring out which is faster and determining the correct speed. Trust me, I've spent hours only to go back and realize I was way off. But on the piano, there is a key that you just tap to a beat and it tells you how fast you are going. So all I need to do is listen to the song and tap my fingers to the beat. How cool is that?! I can't wait to find out more cool features.
I spent the evening reminding myself why I love music. I got out my old music books and started to play my old favourites. I was a little rusty but I was surprised by what I did remember. Somehow, my fingers remembered how far to jump and what note comes after the page turn. It's been years but the music came flooding back. It even has a plug for earphones so I can play as loud as I want and not bother anyone. We need to get an adapter so our earphones will work with it. I was told this after I played a few songs. I guess I was a little loud. I haven't read the manual yet but one feature I found just by playing around was the metronome. Just wait, it gets better. I have been so frustrated because with the garage band program on the computer, you can set the metronome so you can play in time. But I need to know the speed of the songs I want to play along with. It is so difficult to figure out how fast a song is just by listening to it and a metronome at the same time and figuring out which is faster and determining the correct speed. Trust me, I've spent hours only to go back and realize I was way off. But on the piano, there is a key that you just tap to a beat and it tells you how fast you are going. So all I need to do is listen to the song and tap my fingers to the beat. How cool is that?! I can't wait to find out more cool features.